Daily Meditation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, connecter adipiscing lit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, connecter adipiscing lit.

Path Towards Beauty

I AM a luminous being, just as I am.

As I align with my inherent self, I make room for remembrance.

Here and now, I embody all of my potential.

I employ the healing energies always available to me because they are naturally WITHIN ME.

Beginning with my inner beliefs, my outward complexion reflects the beauty and wellness of who I am,
I AM perfectly whole and exquisite.

I AM energized by the power of nature…

Earth grounds me deeply to my purpose.
Air purifies me with the offering of breath.
Fire forges my strength and ignites my passions.
Water guides the ebb and flow of my transformation.

As I come home to myself, I am intentional in my beliefs and actions.

I consciously and lovingly choose to nurture all that I am, one day at a time.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis.